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Extension Publications Manual: Procedure for Approval and Printing of Extension Publications (PB), Web Publications (W) and Special Publications (SP)
- The senior author submits a master copy to his/her department head for peer review. (See procedure on previous page.) The author may submit recommendations for reading committee members (usually three persons) to review the material. If a proposed manuscript is for a 4-H audience, the reading committee should include one 4-H Youth Development staff member and/or one regional program leader.
- The department head reviews the manuscript and the suggested reading committee members. If approved, a copy of the manuscript is forwarded (hard-copy or electronically) to each member of the reading committee, with a letter requesting each member to review the manuscript for appropriateness and content. Normal time for peer review is one month. After their review, reading committee members reply with a letter outlining their comments and suggestions to the department head and author, and send the revised (marked) manuscript to the author.
- After all comments by the peer reviewers have been received, the author decides which changes he/she wishes to incorporate into the manuscript. Author and department head discuss the manuscript. If the department head approves publication of the material, decisions are made regarding format (print, electronic or both). The author then initiates a printing authorization form. The author completes the form, and it is sent to the department head. The department head gives approval on the form, authorizing the publication and, if necessary, the expenditure of printing funds. The department head may request estimated printing costs prior to his/her approval. (A publication editor from Marketing and Communications may assist in obtaining cost estimates.) The completed publication authorization form is sent to the Office of Marketing and Communications automatically once the department head approves the form.
- The manuscript and any accompanying images are sent to a publication editor in Marketing and Communications.
- The author(s)meet with a publication editor to discuss printing/production needs. Both hard copy and electronic copy of the material are provided to the editor, along with photos, suggestions for illustrations, etc. The editor completes the final section of the printing authorization form and signs it. A copy of the signed form is returned to the senior author for his/her records.
- The publication editor assigns a PB/SP/W number if the manuscript is new, and performs a final edit. The editor applies for a state printing authorization number from the UT Graphic Arts online system, based on the account number and account name provided by the department. (This number will appear on the finished publication, immediately above the EEO statement on the back cover.) The project is assigned to a graphic artist for layout, design and illustration. The artist works directly with the senior author to design the material.
- When the designer completes a publication design, the senior author receives a PDF first proof copy, usually by email. It is the responsibility of the author to proof the material for typos and other necessary changes. Changes should be noted in red. After proofing, the author returns the hard copy proof to the graphic designer handling the job.
- After the author’s corrections have been made, the senior author receives another final proof copy to verify that all needed changes and corrections have been made. This is the author’s last chance to make corrections prior to publication. The final proof is merely verification that the corrections have been made; no revisions or additions should be made to the final proof.
- After final author approval, the designer sends the approved electronic file to Graphic Arts. The publication editor completes the Graphic Arts paperwork and sends it, along with a hard copy of the material, to Graphic Arts for publishing. A copy of the Graphic Arts job order is sent to the author so he or she is aware the publication production has been completed and the job is being printed. The publication editor also places the electronic version of the pub on the Extension publications website.
- When printing is completed and copies are delivered to the Publications and Services office, the publication editor will email the author, department head, administrators and all county and regional Extension offices, notifying them of the publication’s availability, both online and in print, including any limits on copies or if a publication is for sale. (Reprints do not require notification — they are for re-stocking purposes only.)
- Note: When revising or reprinting an existing publication (PB, W or SP), authors should check with a publication editor to determine if the Marketing and Communications office has an electronic copy of the material. Many publications are several years old and may not exist in electronic format. The material will then have to be scanned or retyped by the author.