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Extension Publications Manual: Procedure for Approval and Printing Extension Newsletters, Programs and Brochures
- All newsletters, programs and brochures, while not requiring peer review, must follow all other procedures outlined below. Current printed newsletters are quarterly issues, with material due approximately the first of December, March, June and September. For distribution and printing efficiency, any additional printed newsletters should follow this schedule. For new electronic-only newsletters, authors should check with an editor in Marketing and Communications to develop a specific schedule for production.
- Existing newsletters, programs and brochures are prepared by the author. If materials are to be printed, budget approval must be given by the department head. A hard copy and an electronic copy are sent directly to the publication editor for editing and production. The average time for production (including editing, layout, proofing and corrections) is two weeks. Printing requires additional time —at least two weeks for newsletters, usually a week for quick-copied items. Please allow adequate time for production and printing.
- All materials (except subsequent issues of an established newsletter) should be accompanied by a printing authorization form, signed by the author and the department head. The publication editor will also sign the form, and return a copy to the author.
- If a program is a repeat from last year with minor changes (and was prepared in Marketing and Communications), please contact the appropriate publication editor to check if the information is on file. If so, you will be advised how to prepare the manuscript for production. If not, the material should be submitted (both hard copy and electronic copy) just as any other publication, including a printing authorization form.